"The CPF (Conservative Party Forum) plays a key role in ensuring that Party members have the opportunity to help shape Government Policy. We need to make the most of all of the talent that exists within our Party, and harness our members' enthusiasm." (Prime Minister Theresa May)
The CPF is a national Party group that gives members the opportunity to discuss the major policy challenges facing Britain. With almost 250 active groups across the country, including in West Suffolk, a fantastic voluntary team and strong professional support from CCHQ (Conservative Campaign HQ), the CPF has a vital role at the heart of the Conservative Party. With a direct line to the Prime Minister's Policy Unit and Government Ministers, a programme of regular national policy discussions, members' surveys and video conferences with leading members of the Party, its members have a real say in the direction our Party is taking.
For our next local CPF meeting, please check our Events page
The West Suffolk CPF is chaired by the district and county councillor Cllr. Rachel Hood.
Members need to register with the CPF in order to participate fully and to receive regular updates. You can register by clicking HERE
To download the flier, click the link below.