West Suffolk Conservative Association Annual General Meeting

The West Suffolk Conservative Association Annual General Meeting was held on Friday 14th June 2024 and was well attended. Due to the Election we were unable to have our guest speaker and instead, we used the occasion to rally the troops, fold leaflets, raise funds with a great raffle and gather our energies for the long campaign.

The Jill Simpson Award was presented to worthy winners, Simon and Jill de Laat, who seem to be everywhere at the same time. They proof read, the stuff envelopes, they canvas, they deliver and as if that wasn't enough, they also set up a new branch - The Barrow and District Branch - last year which had a very successful AGM earlier in the month.

The new Officer Group was elected and our thanks go to those individuals who stood down and to those who stepped up. We are a strong team in what are undoubtedly challenging times.